
Your Perfect Domain Name

is only keystrokes away!


SEO-Friendly Domains

We build you a list of suggested domain names from thousands of popular web words.


Super Speedy

Press the "go" button and in seconds get suggestions to help you start your web project.


Pick Your Registrar

Choose your favorite registrar from the drop-down menu and clicking a result will bring you there.


More Features Ahead

For now, we only deal in the most popular TLD -- .com, but more TLDs and other features are in the works.

Premium Domain Names

Give your project more traction.

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Make a Fast Impression

with your own great domain name.

Why purchase a premium domain name?

Your reason for purchasing a premium domain should be the same as purchasing a non-premium domain -- because it's a great domain name for your site. No matter where it was purchased from, or the amount paid, your domain name should accomplish a few goals.

It should give your site authority, be memorable, and preferably be short. When you're shopping for a new shaver, you probably won't care what has to say on the matter, but you might click the link.

What is a premium domain name?

Well, by definition, it's just a domain which costs more.

There can be several reasons it's a premium domain. Usually it's because the name is of a very popular generic term -- like which sold for $7 million in 2004, or which sold for $19 million just last year. Yes, that's millions of U.S. dollars.

The other main reason it can be more valuable is because it's already registered by someone else.


Before You Can Win,
You Must Start.

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